How We Can Help

More Traffic, More Conversions

Clicks aren’t actually the tell-all measure in pay-per-click advertising campaigns.

Its how your goals are performing, AKA your conversion rate. 

PPC ads aren’t useful if they aren’t converting and thats where we come in.

We Get Business

We’re also the Production Prints team. We built a successful trade show display retail company using the same strategies, lessons, and experience that we use to help build your company.
"Production Clicks helped bring in leads when none seemed to be there"
John Doe

How we help

We help our customers reach our goals through several steps. The first, and most important step, is the initial proposal call. This is where we gather information regarding topics such as what your goals (leads, sales, calls, etc.) are, case complexity (think keyword count, existing or new to PPC, number of campaigns, adspend, industry, etc.), after this conversation we then send you our plan and proposal which includes the strategy and direction that we will take your PPC account in order to reach the goals that you’ve outlined in that call.

After that its all execution. 

Initial Setup

If your company is new to PPC or is missing some critical tools, we may have to get your site situated with these tools, free of charge!

Keyword Analysis

An integral part of all PPC campaigns are the keywords. Special attention is always placed to keyword performance so that your campaign is always cruising smoothly.

Landing Page

A perfectly performing ad can be ruined if its landing page doesn't vibe with it. When making a campaign the entire user path and experience is taken into consideration which means that the landing pages we make for you aren't cookie cutter pages, but instead are perfectly crafted for your campaign and your company.

Conversion Oriented

Campaigns are created with your goals at the forefront. Clicks are just that, clicks. Conversions, whether its a full page scroll, form completion, or a sale, are the real measure of whether or not your campaign is working.

Clear Reporting

We utilize reporting software that lets us deliver clear, legible reports that don't leave you fighting for answers. You see what we see.

Ready to get started?

Once we get your submitted form we’ll review it and set up a meeting to discuss your goals.

Talk to you soon!

Ready to get started?

Get your PPC proposal today.

After we get your completed form we’ll schedule a meeting with you to go over your goals, your company, and more.

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Ready to get started?

Get your PPC proposal today.

After we get your completed form we’ll schedule a meeting with you to go over your goals, your company, and more.