Top 5 Reasons Why Your Paid Search Agency Isn’t Working Out

Not long ago, I had a conversation with a potential new client. They had reached out to us, wanting to have us manage their Google Ads. As the conversation went on, it became clear they were “agency hopping.”
Production Clicks ‘List of Expectations’ Shared with New Clients

One of the most important—if not the most important—part of an agency/client relationship is communication. Especially early communication, when establishing expectations from the very beginning.
It’s important for an agency to listen to their clients and learn about their needs and how they define success.
Getting the Most from Your WhatConverts Lead Tracking Software

WhatConverts recently—as of 2022—rolled out a new interface for users that includes the Dashboard, Leads, Reports, and Tracking view. Here’s all the information you need to get the most out of your new WhatConverts tracking software.
I have a feeling this new rollout was designed to offer some CRM (Customer Relationship Management) functionality with its robust reporting features, but for the sake of brevity, I’m going to be covering the main takeaways for managing your Google Ads leads from the new interface.
Checklist Before Instapage Landing Page Goes Live

We primarily use Instapage for custom landing pages, and boy, do we love it! There’s nothing like finishing up a new “landy” and getting ready to launch a new Google Ads campaign for it. But before all that hard work and creativity is set to go live, and marketing dollars are spent sending traffic to it, it’s important to take care of a few housekeeping steps.
Getting Quality Leads from Google Ads

For businesses that rely on leads, whether through phone calls, contact form submissions, or website chat, getting quality leads is the most fundamental precursor to landing sales.
For Google Ads, this is especially important because you’re spending your precious marketing dollars and need to see the best return on your investment possible.
Is Google Ads Right for your Business?

Is Google Ads right for your particular business and industry? For some businesses, Google’s advertising platform— Google Ads—is 100% of their marketing strategy. For others, they don’t use it at all and for most, it represents a spoke in the wheel of their overall marketing strategy.
So where should it land in your marketing plan?
Inside Bend Oregon’s Top PPC Agency

I think the article in Entrepreneur Magazine titled Bend: Destined for Greatness pretty well sums it up.
Bend, Oregon, is a special place and being able to run a small paid search agency here is really great. While most of us at Production Clicks have origins from other areas of the state and country, we are all involved in the local community and really enjoy the semi-small-town atmosphere.
Keeping A Critical Eye on Google’s Close Variants

Uncovering negative keywords in your campaign is more important than ever now that Google Ads has switched up its Keyword Match Types.
You see, a few short years ago, there were only four main match types:
• broad match
• + modified + broad + match
• “phrase match”
• [exact match]
Google Ads Keyword Issues and What to do About Them

Keywords are at the very heart of any search campaign, so much so that it wasn’t all that long ago when Google’s advertising platform was universally referred to as AdWords.
Words have meaning and Google cracked the code early on, when it came to matching people who used keywords to search for things with businesses and organizations eager to place their ads when those terms were searched.
The purpose of this post is to drill down further than just a casual discussion about keywords—and which ones may be good or which ones aren’t good.
Getting Started with Google Ads- Your first 4 Months

Great! You’ve decided to make Google Ads a part of your marketing strategy!
It’s easy to create a couple campaigns to quickly get started, but without a well thought-out strategy, your Google gambit might be over before it really begins.