Setting Up Conversion Tracking for Olark using Custom Script

Setting Up Conversion Tracking for Olark using Custom Script

Using custom scripts to track events using in Olark Chat is a great way to gain more control and customize the ability to track conversions. Now that the custom script is installed it’s time to set up conversion tracking.

This is especially useful when investing in Google Ads. Knowing where your leads (conversions) are coming from is important for any overall marketing initiative and hold every advertising dollar accountable.

Here are the steps for setting up conversion tracking assuming the custom script and Olark Chat are installed:

Step 1

Log into your Analytics account and click the gear ‘settings’ icon in the lower-left hand side.

Step 2

Navigate to the column on the right side under ‘All Web Site Data’ and click ‘Goals’

Step 3

Click ‘New Goal’ and follow these settings:

  • A) For Goal Setup under ‘Template’ select ‘Custom’ and click ‘Continue’
  • B) For Goal description name it ‘Olark Chat’ and under ‘Type’ select ‘Event’ and click ‘Continue’
  • C) For Goal details have ‘Category’ Equal to ‘Olark_Chat’ and ‘Action’ Equals to ‘Visitor_Sent_a_Message’
  • D) Leave ‘Label’ and ‘Value’ blank (note: in some cases “Label” may be needed to accurately record the conversion. It depends on how the event is categorized and what values it has. Some might be unique enough with just “Category” and “Action”.)
  • E) Select ‘Yes’ for Use the Event Value as the Goal Value for the conversion
  • F) Click ‘Save’ when finished.

That’s it on the Analytics side of things! Next we will set up conversion tracking in the Google Ads account.

Confirm that the Goal is saved and that ‘Recording’ is turned ‘On’.

Here are some screenshots showing settings:

Settings for Step A
Settings for Step B
Settings for Step C
Settings to Confirm Goal is Live

Step 4

Head over to your Google Ads account and click the ‘Tool’ wrench icon and select ‘Conversions’ under the Measurement Heading.

Step 5

We now need to set up a new Conversion and add in the appropriate settings. For this click the blue + sign to start a new conversion with these settings:

  • A) To ‘Select the kind of conversion you want to track’ select ‘Import’
  • B) Next under ‘Select what you want to import’ select ‘Google Analytics (UA)’
  • C) After selecting ‘Google Analytics (UA)’ it should pull up the available goals. Select the goal and click ‘Done’

That’s it! We have now successfully set up the Conversion Goal in Google Analytics and the Conversion inside Google Ads. This will now show any conversions from Olark chat inside of your Google Ads dashboard helping to better track performance.

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